Message from NDC:
way’, Hello. Ntityix Development continued to work on projects for the benefit of the group and WFN.
The remediation work by for the 700 Spland Road townhome project was completed. The Spland open house event was a success with over 80 attendees, a media release, and a new video coming soon. The Lakeridge Park lease modernization project continued with several more subleases finalized.
The construction division was busy with the townhome project, and commercial tenant improvements. We congratulate the company for winning two industry awards! The forestry division was busy with forest operations, stewardship monitoring, and incremental silviculture treatments.
We attended the WFN corporate board nomination committee introduction meeting to help get the group orientated. If you would like to receive emailed updates, please subscribe in the news section of the website.
limlǝmt, Thank you for reading.
See the full newsletter here.
700 Spland Road townhomes phase 1